Senin, 12 Oktober 2009's.a.beach...

I found these beautiful beaches during my trip to Gunung Kidul for some refreshing event with my pals. It takes 2 hours to get there by car. Drini beach located near Kukup, while Ngobaran beach only 5 minutes from Ngrenehan beach.

Also, there are some villas at Kukup Beach that can be rented with only 350 IDR per night (air conditioner included). Just prepare to bring your own mattress or bed sheet, if you are quite picky about the facilities...

Those beaches are quite undiscovered now, but I'm sure they will become popular tourist destinations soon...

big rocks at Drini beach

some kind of seaweed living on top of the rocks

cloudy sunset at Ngobaran beach

local villagers collecting seaweed

sunset at Ngobaran, blocked by a cliff

Rabu, 09 September 2009

these pics were taken on the way home from Fukuoka, with transit in Singapore.

somewhere above the ocean

popcorn-shaped clouds

Singapore below

[it's supposed to be a] sunset

Senin, 07 September 2009


no, I'm not a phaedophil... just can't stand to see their innocent faces.


no, he's not a beggar...

why are they crying???

sigit bro, kayak pesan layanan masyarakat :jangan putus sekolah: aja

sigitbro again...

zaki, 2.5 years, 17 kilos

ochi and zaki

oww.. look at that eyes...

Minggu, 06 September 2009

5 hours Nozomi round-trip journey.
12 hours spent.
Two companions.
Umeda. Namba. Amerika-mura. Shinsaibashi. Umeda.

Oh, yeah, and 26,000 yen spent.
What a day.

somewhere in Umeda

nice riverfront

constellation map in Umeda Sky Bldg

rush hour in Umeda

reflection of the sky

panorama of osaka, through the roof garden of Umeda Sky Bldg

with my companions

Rabu, 02 September 2009


Foto-foto ini tadinya dimaksudkan untuk disertakan dalam lomba fotografi yang diadakan oleh Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Fukuoka. Tapi karena suatu hal (melanggar deadline), makanya foto-foto ini tetap berada di hard disk.

Tema lomba fotografinya sendiri adalah "Fukuoka di Mata Saya". Kelima foto ini saya ambil ketika (kebetulan) mengikuti student exchange ke Fukuoka. So, here they are!

the static city in silence

eglity, even for the diffable and the elder

ookay, this pic has a good composition. no specific reason behind this.

as a future architect and urban planner: good waterfront area

the street vendor vs dept. store

Dua foto pertama diambil dengan Canon Powershot A-something. Bahkan beberapa detik sebelum foto pertama, kamera ini sempat terbentur dinding jembatan. Untungnya si Canon ini tahan banting, jadinya masih bisa dipakai. Foto sisanya diambil menggunakan Nikon D40. Love this cam.. :P